Finding Her Voice: Dove Cameron on Music, Identity, and the Journey of Self-Expression

Musician and actress Dove Cameron recently released her debut album, Alchemical: Volume 1, on December 1. This album, Cameron explains, captures her essence and energy in 2023, allowing her to express emotions and experiences that had long been building inside of her.

In an interview, Cameron opened up about how creating Alchemical: Volume 1 allowed her to release feelings of anger and frustration that had been repressed for years. “I had felt so infantilized, so missed and not seen for the person that I had been,” she shared, noting how she had been performing in ways that she knew people wanted her to. But in this album, she found a voice that was bolder and truer to who she is.

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The eight songs on the album were often written in hotel rooms at three in the morning while Cameron was traveling, reflecting the transitional phase of her life during its creation. The artist revealed that as she moves on to part two of her album, her personal circumstances have changed, and she feels more settled and happy. As a result, she promises that part two will be a significant departure from the first.

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However, throughout both parts, what remains important to Cameron is writing songs that are honest depictions of her real life and emotions. She views songwriting as a way of processing her experiences, likening it to a form of “blood-letting” where she must get her feelings out immediately or risk being stuck with them.

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As Cameron celebrates the release of her album, she is traveling to perform at the Kennedy Center, sharing that her team, who has become like a second family to her, will be her companions for release week. When she returns, she plans to have an intimate gathering with close friends, complete with home-cooked meals, tarot card readings, and a cozy sleepover.

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Reflecting on the creative process behind Alchemical: Volume 1, Cameron shares that food played an unexpected role in fueling her creativity. She and her collaborators often ordered Asian fusion dishes and cookies from a favorite spot in Los Angeles. When asked if the eclectic food choices influenced her music, Cameron laughed and admitted that the combination of kimchi and cookies probably did play a part in shaping the album’s raw and sometimes strange energy.

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For Cameron, the places where she wrote these songs, such as hotel rooms in the early morning hours, seeped into the music. She describes the songs as being born from a transient, lonely phase of her life where she was constantly on the move and had no sense of home or stability. This sense of floating, of not being grounded, is reflected in the haunting, melancholic elements of the record.

As she looks forward to working on the second half of her album, Cameron acknowledges that she is in a much different headspace than she was while writing the first part. She feels more grounded and confident, and she is eager to see how this shift will influence the new music.

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Cameron’s approach to her career and success has evolved as well. She emphasizes the importance of writing from an authentic place and not contorting herself to fit external expectations. “The best part about all of this is just getting older,” she says, explaining that she now prioritizes pleasing herself and those close to her rather than chasing external validation.

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When asked about the peers who have inspired her on her creative journey, Cameron speaks fondly of her friendship with actor Alan Cumming. She describes Cumming as a father figure in her life, someone she trusts deeply and whose opinion she values. She also mentions Jennifer Hudson as a supportive friend who has given her confidence in her talents.

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For Cameron, music has become a crucial way of communicating with the world. She finds that many of her conversations with friends and collaborators revolve around existential questions and personal growth, but music remains a central theme. Through songwriting, she is able to connect with others and express the complex emotions and experiences that define her life.

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As she continues to evolve both personally and professionally, Dove Cameron is determined to stay true to her voice, letting her music reflect who she is in the present moment while remaining open to where her journey will take her next.

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