Alexis Ren Shares Six Valuable Life Lessons She Learned from Surfing

Alexis Ren, a model, mental health advocate, and co-founder of the wellness community We Are Warriors, has found a deep connection between surfing and life. Known for her passion for the ocean and love for nature, the 27-year-old has drawn important lessons from her time spent on the waves. Through surfing, Alexis has gained insights that have shaped her approach to challenges, patience, and self-awareness.

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Before transitioning into wellness advocacy, Ren gained popularity as a travel influencer, sharing photos of her beach adventures and outdoor activities. Her love for the ocean has long been evident, and surfing, in particular, has become a source of personal growth for her. Recently, Alexis shared six life lessons she learned from surfing, offering her followers valuable takeaways for everyday life. These lessons highlight patience, intuition, and community support, emphasizing how one’s mindset in the water can translate into powerful life skills.

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One of the first lessons Alexis learned from surfing is that there’s always another wave to ride. For her, this was a metaphor for life’s opportunities. It’s easy to become disheartened when things don’t go as planned or when you miss out on something you hoped for. However, Alexis encourages her followers to remember that there will always be more chances. Whether in surfing or in life, it’s important not to dwell on missed opportunities but to trust that more will come.

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This is a powerful message for anyone facing setbacks. Alexis’ experience as a model—where competition is fierce, and opportunities are sometimes fleeting—aligns with this lesson. She learned to accept that while she may not always land every job or partnership, there will always be something new around the corner.

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Another critical lesson Alexis shares is the importance of patience. In surfing, waiting for the right wave is an integral part of the experience, and trying to control the ocean is futile. Ren highlights how this teaches surfers to relax and enjoy the process, rather than constantly chasing the next big thing.

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In her career, patience has also been a guiding principle. As a public figure and model, Alexis has had to navigate periods of uncertainty, trusting that her hard work would pay off in due time. She encourages others to apply the same level of patience in their pursuits and to understand that certain things are out of one’s control. This mindset helps to manage stress and avoid burnout—lessons she now shares through her We Are Warriors platform.

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One of the more profound lessons Alexis gained from surfing is the importance of trusting your gut. She notes that if a wave doesn’t feel right, it’s better to pull back than force it. This applies to life as well, especially when it comes to making big decisions.

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Ren emphasizes how often people push through projects or relationships that feel wrong because of the energy already invested. However, ignoring intuition can lead to dissatisfaction. This lesson resonates with Alexis’ own experience in the modeling world, where she has had to make tough calls about her career direction, sometimes stepping away from opportunities that didn’t align with her long-term goals.

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For Alexis, the ocean is a place of deep reverence, and her surf teacher’s words—”This is my church”—inspired her to reflect on the idea that any space can be sacred. The act of surfing, for Alexis, goes beyond physical exercise. It’s a way of connecting with herself and the world around her in a spiritual sense.

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Through her wellness platform, Alexis shares similar messages with her followers, encouraging them to create sacred spaces in their lives. Whether it’s through meditation, fitness, or writing, Alexis believes that intentionality can transform any environment into a place of healing and growth.

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Surfing also taught Alexis the value of respecting others. In the water, surfers are mindful of each other’s space, waiting their turn to catch a wave. Alexis draws a parallel between this practice and the way we should approach interactions in everyday life, whether with colleagues, family members, or strangers.

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This respect is something Ren carries into her role as a wellness advocate. In her community, she fosters an environment of support and kindness, reminding her followers that respecting others helps build strong and positive relationships.

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Lastly, Alexis learned the importance of cheering others on. She points out that in surfing, it’s important to support others when they catch a wave, rather than being competitive. This sense of community and support is something Alexis holds dear and emphasizes within her own wellness platform.

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Through We Are Warriors, she strives to create a space where women can uplift each other, sharing their experiences and cheering on one another’s successes. Alexis believes that celebrating others does not take away from one’s own achievements. Instead, it creates a culture of positivity and collective growth.

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In addition to these six lessons, Alexis continues to lead by example through her work in wellness and advocacy. Along with her co-founder Allie Michelle, she recently launched a wellness journal for the We Are Warriors community. This interactive journal includes prompts that help women connect with themselves and practice self-reflection through written therapy.

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As someone who has built a career on travel, modeling, and influencing, Alexis’ current work highlights her growth as a leader and advocate. She remains passionate about sharing the tools that have helped her navigate life’s ups and downs, inspiring others to find balance and empowerment.

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Alexis Ren’s life lessons from surfing offer more than just advice for the water. They provide a blueprint for how to approach life with patience, trust, and a sense of community—values that have shaped her journey both personally and professionally.

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